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My daily routine.
I hate getting up of my bed, ughh... Later I dress up, wash my face and teeth. Next I do make up.XD
I don't eat a breakfast. I'm going to school and I'm coming at 3:30PM. 
I'm eating dinner and I'm going to sleep! 
Yeah, hahha. I love sleep. 
I get up and meet with my girlfriend - Nikola ♥. Generally we're going to walk :D We're laughing, speeching and joking. 
When I'm coming home I'm surfing in internet. I do homework (or not xD) and I go to sleep :D
This is my daily routine.
Bye ♥ 

My future.
Omg.. What's a hard topic :O
So In the future I want to be wife and mother. I'll have 2 children :D Hahah, yeah, boy and girl :D
I'll have a loving husband ♥ We'll have small house in suburb of the city.

I don't know, who I want to be in the future.. :/
I have dreams, but I don't want write about them. :>
Bye (:


About Me